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Sex and Pornography Addiction

The Pain of Sex
and Pornography Addiction

Living with sex and/or pornography addiction is hell. What starts out as a way to experience pleasure and relief—a sexually induced freedom from the difficulties of life—turns into chains of bondage. Those who suffer from this addiction know the pain of living a double life. The secrecy and shame, the lies and consequences all compound to create a seemingly inescapable dilemma: we can’t make it through the day or week without acting out sexually, but the continued compulsivity only adds to the problems we’re trying to escape. On and on this continues. Only when a person is able to get enough support are they able to begin on the road of recovery.

Important Distinctions
for Recovery from Sex
and Pornography Addiction

Although sex and pornography addiction share similar origins to substance addictions, there are important differences that need to be addressed in order for real recovery to take root. For instance, stopping being sexual all together is not our goal. Real recovery includes learning how to develop a healthy relationship with our sexuality and experience it in ways that connect us with ourselves and others. Addictive sex and pornography use drain us and create incredible shame and despair. As we heal and integrate our sexuality we are able to have sex that liberates, not cheap pleasure that’s goal is to medicate.

The Essentials of Recovery

There are three essentials which make recovery possible.

  1. Recognizing there is a problem and that it is incredibly difficult to overcome alone.
  2. Getting the necessary support in order to maintain daily recovery.
  3. And working through any underlying trauma and/or loss that is fueling the addiction. Without all three of these elements, recovery is fleeting, unstable, or nonexistent.

Our Work Together

I will help you determine to what degree sex and/or pornography addiction is present. If there is addiction, we then identify what support you need in order to develop an effective recovery plan. Lastly, our individual therapy sessions will help integrate any psychological issues (trauma and loss) that are driving the addiction and help you to implement your recovery plan into your daily life.