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The journey of recovery
begins with a heart-felt
wish for real change.

The pain and shame of addiction has left us feeling exhausted,
hopeless, and alone. During these moments there is an opportunity
to begin on a path of true hope and healing.

Although we don’t know the way and the work
can be scary and challenging, we find courage
and inner resources we never knew existed.

Life begins to support us in ways we never
expected and we begin to feel enlivened
and learn to trust in the process.

The hopelessness, shame, and isolation slowly transform
into inner peace, freedom, and connection.

In the end, healing through our
deepest pain gives us access to
our deepest calling.

We discover what is essential for us and find our authentic selves.
We can now truly partner with others in love and life.

Hi, my name is Alex and I offer a safe, healing presence for those suffering from substance misuse, sex and pornography addiction, and betrayal trauma. Although the therapeutic process is different for each client, my approach utilizes mindful, experiential therapy, and addresses both the symptoms and the underlying causes of trauma and addiction, ultimately resulting in life-long recovery.

Contact me for more information or to schedule your free consultation call.

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